Seasons in the Studio

Fine art Inspired by Nature: Illustration in watercolor and pencil, White Line Woodcuts, Photography

Friday, May 5, 2023

Studio Update May 5th, 2023/Update May 23

 I have been working on drawings and prints this week.  Two prints are near completion, and I have completed a large landscape drawing.  One of my drawings needed some reworking and I'll show what I'm doing with it as well. Prints will be posted soon.

I was notified that my drawing "Shadow Box" was accepted into the Hudson Valley Art association show this summer.  This is a great honor.  I'm thankful to the jurist and the association for accepting my work.

I have finished two proofs of prints and am working on the first of the series of both.  More to come.

"Bass Harbor Morning"- 24 x 30 Graphite on Canson Mi Teintes paper

"A day in the woods"  18 x 24 inches  Graphite on Bristol
I'm reworking it.

This was the original drawing