Seasons in the Studio

Fine art Inspired by Nature: Illustration in watercolor and pencil, White Line Woodcuts, Photography

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Studio Update November 28, 2023

 Good News!  

 I was just notified that my photograph "The Tree of Life"  was accepted into the 9th Regional Juried Photography Exhibition at the Rehoboth Art League.  There were 147 submissions by 52 artists for this exhibition, 37 artists works were chosen.  I'm pleased to have my work selected.

I took this photo in Washington State, very early one morning.  I had it printed in a very large format, 20 x 30 because it was such a majestic subject and a small photograph wouldn't do.  I stood on the beach shooting photographs as the sun rose, waiting for the moment when the light flooded through the branches.  The space underneath is big enough for an adult to stand!

12/1/2023- I'm updating this post to give a little background about this image.  This is located on the Olympic Peninsula.  The Olympic mountains are spectacular and often snow and ice covered, however they are not volcanic.  They were instead formed from the compression of two tectonic plates.  During the last ice age, there were glaciers that were thousands of feet thick in this region.  This site is the terminal moraine of a glacier.  The waves pound it during storms and the erosion is fierce.  Along the coastline you can see entire trees that were ripped out of the ground and tossed into the ocean, then thrown back up on the beach.  This one is still hanging on.  It is known locally as "The Tree of Life".

 The exhibition will be opening in January at the Rehoboth art league.  Gallery talk on January 6th.

Rehoboth art league

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Studio update November 5, 2023

 It's been a productive month.  I usually try to update more often but I get caught up in the work sometimes!

I finished a large detailed drawing of Lake 22 in the Cascades last month.  It's a really beautiful and special place and even though I did an earlier sketchbook drawing of this subject, I wanted to come back to it.

Lake 22
12 x 18 inches
Graphite on Canson paper

I have also come back to a favorite scene in Maine, as a painting and a drawing.  The large drawing is in the early stages, and I'll share later but the painting is progressing nicely. I've made woodcut prints of this subject, and painted it once long ago, but I'm still intrigued by it.  All those white boats...

 In for the Night
Watercolor on Arches 300# paper
22 x 15
I am finished carving the large block for the print "Worms for Sale" and am pulling a second print of "The Bell House".  More updates later.  I'm keeping busy!!