Seasons in the Studio

Fine art Inspired by Nature: Illustration in watercolor and pencil, White Line Woodcuts, Photography

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Studio Update March 9, 2024

 A very cold and raw day here on the east coast.  Feels exactly like Puget sound did last week!  I got right back to work upon returning home and have completed two pieces this week.

The first is a drawing of the beach at Kalaloch on the Olympic Peninsula.  I initially started with the intention of it being charcoal and graphite.  As I got into it, I liked the result I was getting from working in all charcoal.  There is some grain from the tooth of the paper but I like the effect.  This drawing is one of the most complex subjects I have tried in some ways.  It took two months to complete.  The movement of the sand was challenging, but important to the composition.  So was capturing the personality of each of the rocks.

The second photo is another pull of the print "The Bell House".  This is a favorite print but very labor intensive due to the rocks.  I worked the sky a little differently than previous versions, using the wood grain more than before.  The sky in this location has very distinctive clouds, and I wanted to reflect that in the work.

The rocky beach is a jumping off place to a rocky landscape I want to start.  I'm loving these big landscapes.  I'm also enjoying bringing geology into my work.  There are reasons why these landscapes resonate with me, I'm a geologist!!

"Fire and Ice" 14 x 18 inches, Charcoal on Canson Mi Tientes paper

"The Bell House" 2/20 -18 x 24 inches, White Line Woodcut on Rives BFK paper

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