Seasons in the Studio

Fine art Inspired by Nature: Illustration in watercolor and pencil, White Line Woodcuts, Photography

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Studio Update May 12, 2024

 I wanted to show my sketches from the "Lessons in Classical Drawing" course by Juliette Aristides.  This is intended to be a semester long course and I am doing more than one version of some of the exercises.  I'm still working on some of them, and in the book she tells you not to make finished drawings (something that is HARD for me to do).  I'll keep posting them as I get through the chapters.  I have a very strong background in drawing with many excellent teachers, but there are always things that present challenges to even the best draftsman.  I'm enjoying the approach she has to solving the challenges.

These are intentionally light drawings, one of the things she stresses in the book is starting out light!! Some of the exercises involve master copy drawings but all the rest have been drawn from life in the studio.  I am working on a master copy drawing that is not far enough along to post yet.

Lesson 1:  Beginning Lines:  Master Copy Sketch

Note the lines of reference from all the angles and directions in the figure.  It becomes easy to see where your drawing is off when you do this.

Lesson 2: Harmonious relationships:  Measured drawing.  Again, lines of direction aide in seeing where the drawing is off.

Lesson 3:  The Elegant Contour: Rhythmic line drawing

Her example was a branch of a tree, which I will go back and do when the weather improves!


Lesson 4:  The Illusion of Depth:  Volumetric Drawing

I chose several subjects for these exercises, and am still working on the still life with the onions-

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