Seasons in the Studio

Fine art Inspired by Nature: Illustration in watercolor and pencil, White Line Woodcuts, Photography

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Studio Update May 14, 2024- and more good news!

One of my drawings has been accepted in the 46th annual painting, graphics and sculpture exhibition at the Salmagundi Club in New York.  I'm so pleased to be part of this exhibition.  I will update this post as more information is available.


 A Day in the Woods, graphite on bristol 14 x 17 inches


I received notification last evening that one of my prints has been selected for the International Society of Experimental Artists (ISEA) 33rd Annual International Juried Exhibition!  This is an exciting honor!

Here is the statement I wrote about the submission:

My primary practice is realistic work in graphite and charcoal. White line woodcuts are by their very nature experimental. It is almost impossible to achieve realism in this media. It is difficult to know what will happen with the grain of the wood, or if the color work will be successful. The reference photo for this piece was a small black and white photograph I took more than 25 years ago. The subject was a dilapidated bait shop in Maine. I had no reference for the colors in the work. I always imagined this in bold bright colors, as it would look if everything was new. The sign in between the windows caught my eye from the start and still makes me smile.


Worms for Sale- White line woodcut Print, 22 x 30 inches

Both these works are special to me in a number of ways.  I's so pleased they will be shown in these wonderful venues.

UPDATE:  May 21, 2024

The new brochures for the Lewes Artists Studio Tour are back from the printer and the website is being updated.  I'm very excited to be participating in the tour again this year!  I'll be featuring many new works and lots of prints!  Stay tuned.

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